Health FSA Eligible Expenses

Find out more about what’s eligible and not eligible under your Health FSA plan.

A Health FSA eligible expense is any healthcare expense approved by the IRS for reimbursement through an FSA. Reimbursements are only issued for eligible expenses incurred by the employee, their spouse or their eligible dependents. Expenses that occur before the beginning of the FSA plan year are not eligible.

Services and items that are eligible

Here's a sample list of eligible expenses for a Health FSA. Use the FSA Store tool (above) to see if an item is eligible or log in to the participant portal and click Tools & Support to find the EBIA Healthcare Expense Table for more details.

Over-the-counter items eligible under an FSA - Updated with Coronavirus Aid, Relief, & Economic Security (CARES) Act
Non-prescribed, over-the-counter medicine and medical supplies are now covered as qualified medical expenses for health FSA, HSA, and HRA (if applicable). This includes over-the-counter menstrual care products. The changes take place retroactive to January 1, 2020 with no expiration date. This provision reverses laws put in place as part of the Affordable Care Act in 2011, which stated that over-the-counter expenses were only eligible for reimbursement with a prescription. See the full article

Services and items that are not eligible

Here's a sample list of ineligible expenses with a Health FSA. Items that are not eligible expenses are primarily elective and not necessary products and services. If used for a specific medical condition, some items may become eligible with a doctor’s letter. Go to the EBIA Healthcare Expense Table to see a complete list – log in to the participant portal and click Tools & Support.